Immigrants often exhibit remarkable enterpreneurial success. What is it’s source? How can non-immigrants access similar motivation and drive?
During my formative years of 6 -9 in Communist Russia, I witnessed a lot of stray animals suffering and cruelty on the streets. The system was oppressive and dysfunctional. I felt powerless as I couldn’t do anything when “catch services” come and cruelly kill my ‘friends’.
My child brain started thinking about what could solve the animal suffering problem. I concluded that power and hence money were necessary. Not too bad a conclusion during the collapse of the Soviet Union. Whether it was the right conclusion or not is irrelevant for now : the seed for ‘drive’ was planted, the software for the mission “make money-> save animals” was loaded in the background.
Years later, when my parents moved to Holland and I was finishing school, the seed germinated into me looking for the profession where you can make the most money exponentially, the direct route to wealth with no middlemen: trading. I obtained a 110% mortgage at 18 (they gave extra money back then for “renovation”). I used the remaining 10% to start trading Eurostoxx futures whilst in university, promptly losing half of the capital.
Why didn't I give up despite realising this job is a hard mental nut to crack? The software running in the background fueled a mission: follow the money as that buys freedom and power to change things. Quitting or doubts never even crossed my mind, although hindsight reveals numerous reasons they I could have. It turns out that aligning your actions with your higher values grants you the perseverance necessary to overcome obstacles. This is described by Dr. Dimartini :
“All your sensory input goes through your sensory receptors, it then goes up into the spinal cord, the brain stem and into the higher areas of the brain.
It passes through the thalamus where it is filtered through a value filtering process, which decides either, what goes up in the cortex, where you’ll be consciously aware of it, or what goes into the amygdala where you’ll have unconscious impulsive (seeking) or instinctive (avoiding) responses.
Whenever something is highest on your values, you tend to absorb that information, and you tend to make decisions more efficiently and you’re more likely to act. This means in the areas of your highest values, you’re disciplined, reliable, and focused on what you value most.
Conversely, you’ll procrastinate, hesitate, and frustrate about things that you value least.”
In retrospect, was money the most optimal target for solving the stray animal crisis?Probably not. It may have made more sense to become a scientist and develop inexpensive contraceptive food for dogs and cats. Or I could have become a master in metaphor and persuasion and work on the population becoming more responsible that way. However, these thoughts and information were not available to me then, but they might be for someone else. No regrets.
After uni, I got a job on the trading floor at Lehman Brothers, despite not attending a prestigious uni and lacking a posh background. Nor was I a math prodigy. All I had was a bucket load of enthusiasm for mastering a psychologically challenging field. A skill that pays well because it is hard to master. Taking risk became second nature during my time at Lehman and subsequent banking role, including betting heavily against the European Central Bank during the Euro crisis, despite being young and knowing close to nothing.
Looking back, I cannot pinpoint where I got the guts from, but Dr.Dimartini theory above provides a compelling explanation - the activated software of higher values was working behind the scenes. In 2011 I started and funded my animal welfare NGO and it has taken on a life of its own since then.
What part did my parents have to play in this programming?
One thing: moving me to a functioning democracy. Using all the great opportunities that new freedom has to offer, I could figure it all out myself, tapping into the software generated by adverse feelings.
No one encouraged me to indulge in being a victim by trying to make me feel better. I don’t think my parents even had a clue how the whole episode with animals impacted me. “Poor you, the doggies will be ok, it’s not your fault… life is so unfair, let’s distract you” - all of this was also skipped, partly because there was no social media yet.
What happened in this case was the Wu Wei parenting of that situation - control what can be controlled, provide the optimal environment for more flourishing, and let nature do the rest of the work in mysterious ways.
Things are quite a bit different in Western democracies now:
● The lack of money or freedom is not the problem. It's more like a lack of wisdom, creativity and lack of genius (I really enjoyed this article Why we stopped making Einsteins).
● The ‘environment’ now encourages victimhood instead of a problem solving mindset
● There is an excessive amount of bullshit prevalent in industries, societies, organizations, and even among individuals. This widespread prevalence contributes significantly to the first two challenges mentioned earlier.
Is there an equivalent of “moving the child to the free world”? Can one open some kind of door to next level flourishing?
Yes, there is…
Moving out of communism lets a child see new possibilities and access many more new opportunities than there were before. It gives him the confidence to execute a mission that would relieve him of the feeling of powerlessness/adversity.
In Western democracies children could obtain this benefit, if equipped with two superpowers.
The first superpower is a kind of “crap detector” - the ability to spot bullshit in themselves and in others. The ability to think critically. Yes, there is a risk that they may also identify bullshit in the parent, but it is a risk worth taking and can happen in a friendly, non-judging, compassionate manner (more on this later ).
Renowned writer Robert Anton Wilson beautifully captures the need for this superpower:
When one truly sees the suppression of individuality and creativity and the disdain with which ‘heretics’ get treated in ‘respectable’ fields, it cannot be unseen.
Climate change anxiety in youth is real. “Out of 10000 surveyed, 59% very or extremely worried, 84% at least moderately worried. Over 50% felt sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty. Over 45% said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning, and many reported a high number of negative thoughts about climate change.”
Climate change and the various environmental issues like pollution and loss of biodiversity are real. Trying to make a child less upset about them could undo the power of naturally occuring adversity. Gentle redirection to a more productive, questioning avenue of thinking could empower them to use the emotions as fuel:
“Who do you think is going to have more of an impact?
Activists throwing paint at art in museums? Or Greenpeace’s anti-nuclear energy stance? Whilst they did a lot of great things, for example in whale conservation, when they actively went against nuclear power generation, they achieved a net negative for climate change and hindered widespread access to clean energy (hopefully this tide is turning now). It is ok to be wrong, but not to review ones assumptions and double down, ignoring new evidence, can prove actively harmful.
People like Boyan Slat, a Dutch boy who found a solution to ocean pollution at the age of 17, a solution that is currently being scaled? He is just one example of those who channel their adverse emotions into curiosity and execute effective solutions. True progress in solving climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution will come from those who can see beyond loud popular ideas, dogma, and moralizing, and are dedicated to uncovering core truths while releasing the need for social conformity.
The ability to recognize the prevalence of half-truths, inefficiency, and deception in various areas becomes a superpower and naturally opens the door to for potential to flourish. The child obtains:
Critical Thinking and Sense of Agency:
By being premitted to see inefficiency and bullshit in a particular sector or person (no matter his pedigree) , a child can obtain a mission to solve long-standing problems. This ability allows them to question and critically evaluate information, not blindly accepting everything at face value. It prevents them from idolizing industry leaders and celebrities and wasting time on status games, recognizing that even the most successful individuals can fall prey to bullshit in certain aspects of their lives. An additional benefit is the prevention of downgrading one’s own potential. This makes new possibilities visible and accessible, just like during emigration.
Self-awareness through Seeing Layers of Self-deception:
Lack of self-awareness can result in suboptimal choices, anxiety, infatuation, and fear-driven decisions. Spotting bullshit in oneself leads to greater self-awareness and the examination of deeply held beliefs. It empowers the child with the knowledge that he/she can get unstuck from difficult situations and unhelpful looping thoughts, through self examination and questioning.
How can the child be guided towards critical thinking?
Depending on the age group different things can resonate. Primarily, it starts with parents truly embodying the ability to do it themselves. This naturally opens the door for the right conversations to occur.
I can share what I tell my 7-year-old (which might not suit others):
“Question everything you are taught. Most people are confused. They can be telling things that are not true, not because they are bad people, but due to the way human beings develop at different stages. It takes time, commitment, and a strong desire to truly understand a thing and figure out something closest resembling to truth in any field. So sometimes short cuts in thiking and beliefs can happen. Before taking anything at face value: look at the result. Does it work for him/her/industry/sector? Is it truly effective for the goal? ’
Most of all I repeat: “Don’t take anything I say as gospel or absolute truth. See for yourself if anything what I say works for you in your own life experience or not.”
Angry with bullshit and poor outcomes in whatever field?
“Yes, you are probably right, the outcome we have now is ridiculous. You can research and question the leaders of this arena’s basic assumptions, spend some time doing first principles analysis and go create alternatives! So many did it before you in history, it's not a biggie.”
Can truth be found in every domain?
“Sure, if the desire is strong enough.”
Is the majority working in the domain truly aware of how things work?
“No, I think the majority usually lack the needed attractor points to spend enough effort and ask the right questions to get to that truth. It's hidden in layers and layers of bullshit.
Just pick one area to start, do that and it can be enough for a lifetime of engagement. If you want to move to something else later after - the world is your fractal oyster.”
When he is a little bit older, I will openly talk about deep hidden layers of self-deception I had to uncover in myself and how I did it. If there is natural inquiry and interest on the part of the child, conversations can arise that include cool historical examples of characters who innovated the world forward out of prevailing dogmas and beat their own demons.
What about Compassion towards Bullshitters? You said we will be spared the wrath of Generation Alpha.
This will happen naturally with the introduction of the second superpower – awe and appreciation of the vastness of Human Potential. Coupled with Understanding of stages of human and societal development through history.
This is the Ying to the crap detector Yang.
Because adversity is not the only way to catalyze drive. Awe, amazement, and inspiration are the others.
The realization of the grand miracle of what has been achieved by ‘less developed’ mortals before you, despite the prevalence of dogma and bullshit, is powerful. Seeing how your whole quality of life now is thanks to the sacrifices by people who were also prone to n severe bouts of delusion and inadequacy.
Yes, it is all a paradox: both/and thinking is required to strive in a more complex world.
In the next post, I will delve into Superpower 2: the ability to see the hidden order, beauty and progress in the world of chaos and crap.
Thank you for your time . Let me know in the comments what you think.
I'm highly aligned with your core principles.